The Trash Inspection Requirements Page --- Please Read All of it!

It’s IMPERATIVE to arrive by 430am, if not sooner!

•The address is:

1327 Ahiahi Street

Honolulu, HI 96817

•And, to reiterate, my name is Kash, and my phone# is 419-494-4142(cell)

•The inspector will visit the house for about 15 minutes total.

•His visit will fall sometime between 6am and 7am.

•He will inspect ONLY the gray garbage bin.

•So, here are the requirements:

[1]. The gray garbage bin has to contain so much trash in it, that it ALSO has to be manually compacted a lot in order for the garbage bin lid to fully close.

[2]. Next to the garbage bin, need ALSO to sit FOUR black-garbage bags which are ALSO FULL of trash.

[3]. MOST IMPORTANTLY... absolutely ZERO forbidden materials can be in the gray garbage bin!!!

That means:

1. no materials can be in the gray bin that are supposed to go into the blue recyclables bin:

a. no glass bottles

b. no plastic bottles

c. no newspapers

d. no cardboard like from moving boxes

e. no cardboard like those used for boxes that electronics bought from a store are in

f. no newspapers

g. no aluminum or steel cans

2. no materials that are supposed to go into the green compostables bin:

a. no leaves, or grass, or branches, or plant materials

b. no food scraps

c. no yard trimmings or tree trimmings

3. no construction waste or construction materials

4. no rocks or cement

5. no bulky items like furniture or tables

If there is ANY doubt as to whether a certain item is suitable or not for being in the gray-bin, DO NOT let it be in the gray-bin or the extra-trash bags!!

In fact, it’s a VERY good idea if you check the tips/requirements at this webpage, too: 

If there is even ONE forbidden item in the gray-bin/extra-trash bags during the inspection... Kapow! We fail the inspection.

Not even a single soda can or a single tree-leaf can be in the gray-bin!

This does, unfortunately, mean that the night before the inspector arrives, we have to MANUALLY go through the existing trash with gloves and a flashlight, sort it all out, make sure there's enough trash for the trash-bin and the trash-bags, and make sure nobody adds anything that doesn't belong before the inspector's arrival. This also means that we’ll need to take the garbage bin out to the curb and babysit it, until the inspector's arrival.

So, please remember to bring gloves, a good flashlight, and spare black-garbage-bags.

And, yes. The inspector REALLY will be this insanely strict with the requirements. It's hard to believe, but it really is true.

BUT.... if we put in this insane-o labor now... we will have our second garbage-bin!!!

OH YEAH! And, if we pass? I’m gonna increase the payout:

it won’t be $100. It’ll be $200!